You quickly realize how valuable traveling with another person is when you're trying to doze off in the airport and somehow guard your luggage at the same time. About ten ten minute naps later I find out that all my luggage has been stolen and I am sitting at the airport with my pack and only the clothes on my back....just kidding. When I awoke I found this footless pigeon who had made a home out of baggage pickup 5. I sat and stared at a small Latino girl who, against her mothers wishes, fed this pigeon more Doritos than its tiny stomach could possibly handle. It seems that after the 3rd chip the pigeon didn't mercilessly devour she would have stopped throwing Doritos in its vicinity, maybe not. Twelve wasted Doritos chips and 3 1/2 hours later Ilya picks me up from the airport and we drive back to his parent's house in Staten Island.
Since it's never a dull moment when you're hanging out with Ilya the plan for the night was to go out in the city and get shamelessly drunk to celebrate his girlfriend-but-not-girlfriend's new job. After getting some Mexican food at the local restaurant we all lazily approached the car and quickly rejected that idea for a much more relaxed "green" night. We met up with his girlfriend-not-girlfriend friend's place where the 5 person party had already begun without its most important members. After some time we took a walk to the local ice cream shop in an area that apparently had a very high robbery rate, which, of course, set my mind at ease... We manage to make it back to the girls house unscathed. Her boyfriend, Dave, and myself quickly began to geek out over the new video games exhibition in the American Art Museum at the Smithsonian. Somehow the conversation moved towards him and his buddies taking acid and at one point in the story one of his friends had walked out of the house unnoticed and was walking aimlessly along a ten mile highway. Luckily everything turned out alright with his friend and their night didn't end in some sort of freak accident; although, apparently Dave had woke up in a tub half filled with water, with a dryer cord wrapped around his neck. "I don't know I can't remember what I was thinking at the time. I probably thought I was in the Bahamas or something." Uh huh likely story Dave. Two words, Erotic Asphyxiation.
We left the girls house around 3am and headed for Ilya's girlfriend-not-girlfriends house. I needed to be at the Newark airport at 6am and we arrived at his friends house around 3:30am. I was really hoping this wouldn't be one of those days where my alarm refused to work or I unconsciously turn it off. I went to sleep and woke up promptly at 5:30am ready to continue my adventure. We arrived at the airport with no issues and I said my actual final goodbye to Ilya as I entered the airport. Domestic flights are typically no problem on standby and my flight from Newark to Detroit connected without an issue. I was completely knocked out for the two hour flight and woke up in Detroit where more international standby flights awaited me....
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